Wednesday 3 June 2015


Roland's is a nice place, although most dishes aren't very big or filling (except perhaps the burgers). for the price and size, it's not really worth it, though I do admit that the food is great and aesthetic.
Moochie Banana! Yeaahh, uh, there's not much friend finished it pretty quickly.

Here's Fatmine's shrimp and's not very large either.

My expensive bocconcini salad -__- it's on the appetizer menu because I wasn't very, appetizers are cheaper, so if this was $9, you can pretty much guess what the entrée menu looks like.
I do have to say, despite it's size, I found the way they served the tomatoes to be very clever. Normally, when caprese is served, they just have a slice of mozzarella with tomato and sauce everywhere, making a little pocket for ingredients keeps all the flavors in tact.

Afterwards, we went to the Museum of Vancouver to see the Happiness exhibit. Every last Thursday of each month, entrance is apparently "free", but the time I went, they asked for a donation. So, you can donate $3 and enter, which isn't a bad deal. :)
Roland's: 2041 W. 4th Ave. Vancouver, BC

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