Thursday 11 June 2015

Flipside: Avocado and Fries

When I read "avocado" on the menu, I didn't think they meant...fried avocado. Whoa.
This is my cheat meal of the week guys. Apparently, it's good to have at least one cheat meal a week (or a cheat day) to keep your leptin levels stable, which will maximize your workout by keeping your metabolism going. So indulge...once a week for me, hahah.
Flipside offers very good prices; the burgers are more expensive (~$6), and the side menu is about $1-2 less. To me, I think what I ordered was a lot of food for a side option.

The side item I ordered has fried avocado covered in green onions and chipotle mayo, and French fries.

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