Just for funzo, my family went to the Peaceful Restaurant downtown, even though we already tried the one of Broadway. Honestly, there's no too much of a difference in my opinion. I did get to try the pan-fried version of the vegetable dumplings, which I honestly prefer over the steamed version. I just like fried stuff <3
These are just some simple stir fried vegetables and noodles.
The classic xiao long bao, which I heard was pretty decent here.
Chinese chive pancakes, which I like because they're pan-fried <3
Sankiupo ordered a pork noodle soup dish, which he wish he didn't get. He really likes fried pork, especially the Taiwanese pork, but for some reason this just didn't do it for him. I think it was a little too soggy and a bit under-cooked in some areas? Kinda sad :/
Sankiupo is literally the opposite of me; raw vegetables, especially squashes will make his throat itchy, and really bitter vegetables like alfalfa sprouts and raw beansprouts will make him gag. Also, he's dangerously allergic to papaya and many nuts and seeds. Basically, he's consumes well-cooked veggies and lots of meat, and yet I brought him to a vegetarian restaurant :D
The Naam is honestly one of my favorite places to go. It's just kind of a wait, and the place is really small. In my opinion, I think the wait is worth it.
The type of food they serve here is like, guilty pleasures but less guilt. Things are saucy, can be fried, and usually doused in melted cheese (which you can get vegan). This place just makes me happy.
This is Sankiupo's tomato and cheese sandwich, which you can't really see well, ahah. The vegetables covered up the bread.
I got an enchilada, which was douuuuuuuuused in cheese. I love it.
Moire cheeeeese. This is like the fries that almost became poutine, but isn't. The gravy is miso gravy, and it comes with ketchup and thinly sliced carrots and beets for a fresh taste that contrasts the fatty goodness of the fries. Oh yeeesss.
Mr. Pickle got the special, which was some kind of egg and potato omelet served with beet soup. So delicious.
I ordered a chai latte, but then got my order wrong...but I kept the regular latte and the chai anyways :P I kind of feel bad when I call them out on their mistake, but Sankiupo and Mr. Pickle urged me to tell them, since it was the right thing to do even though they're super busy. Is it really the right thing, I don't know. I just wanted a chai latte.
This is the regular latte with a questionable topping...looks like a kidney according to Mr. Pickle, lmao.